September 2005 Newsletter Part 1
The following is the first part of an exercise that comes from my article
Cultivating Nature. The full text of the article is on our website at
I usually recommend that you practice this for a couple of weeks
before adding in the next section, so I’ll have part two of the exercise in the next newsletter. This exercise is excellent for relaxing the body, focusing the mind and freeing up energy for use in all aspects of your
Observing Nature Exercise - Part 1
To observe nature it is necessary to settle the mind and calm the body.
The first step of this exercise is to let your mind gently settle, like
the ripples in a pond gradually giving way to the clear reflection of the
sky. Breathe slowly and deeply, comfortably extending your exhalation so
that it is slightly longer than your inhalation. Relax your upper body,
letting your neck and shoulders sink down. Feel your lower abdomen as you
breathe and gently rest your mind in that feeling. Relax your eyes. Don’t
focus on anything in particular, but let your eyes take in the full range
of your vision, as if you were looking off into the distance. Maintain
this state for several minutes.
The next step involves observing the sky. Sit or lay back and look up at
the sky. Maintain a feeling of calmness and tranquility as you watch the
movements of the clouds, the openness of the blue sky, or the clear light
of the stars. Let the spaciousness of the sky into your body and mind for
several minutes.
Next, let your attention turn to the ground beneath you. Feel the
stability and strength of the Earth. Notice the colors and shapes of the
ground, or simply feel it with your fingertips, underneath the grass, cool
and solid.
Begin by simply spending a short while outside following these
instructions each day . In part 2 of this exercise we’ll add in three
more stages to work with. However, this first part is complete in and of
Medical Qigong Classes
Our next Foundations of Medical Qigong workshop is set for October 15th.
This introductory workshop emphasizes personal attention while developing
the core group of Medical Qigong exercises. This will cover all of the
exercises that are needed to develop an effective qigong practice at home
and fulfill the prerequisites for attending our ongoing weekly practice
group. This is also a great opportunity to review the core exercises for
those who have taken the course before - I usually recommend that students
review the Foundations of Medical Qigong workshop at least once a year (if
not more often) to enhance and inspire their daily Medical Qigong exercise.
See our Classes page
and our online
Qigong Flyer for more information on the Foundations of Medical Qigong workshop.
Please e-mail me with any questions or thoughts on the Observing Nature
Exercise or any of our Medical Qigong programs.
Take care, Sean